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I manage a small team and recently hired for a new position. In the job posting it clearly stated that the work hours are from 8:00-4:30. No concerns about these hours were mentioned during the interview process at all. Recently after ...Daha fazla oku

I manage a small team and recently hired for a new position. In the job posting it clearly stated that the work hours are from 8:00-4:30. No concerns about these hours were mentioned during the interview process at all.

Recently after accepting the job offer, the new hire expressed an issue with the hours of work, and proposed their own hours. The hours were not even consistent every day, they requested different work hours for each day of the week (they did all add up to the same total number of hours). I rejected this request.

The employee(before the first day of work), then emailed my superior with the same request and was approved.

How do I carry on managing an employee that is willing to go right over my head on an issue like this? How do I address this with my manager so that it doesn’t happen again. ( the first words out of my managers mouth should have been “Have you discyed this with your direct manager first?” )

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A friend of mine is the CEO of his own small business. We’re not very close friends, but we know each other well enough to have visited each other’s houses for dinner and drinks a few times. His business is advertising ...Daha fazla oku

A friend of mine is the CEO of his own small business. We’re not very close friends, but we know each other well enough to have visited each other’s houses for dinner and drinks a few times.

His business is advertising a role which interests me. I have suitable skills for this role but limited experience, so it’s likely to get better candidates than I – at least on paper. It is reporting to one of his subordinates, and I have no idea how much (if any) input my friend might have into the recruiting process.

I would like to apply for this job but I don’t want to cause problems for my friend, nor to have our friendship unduly influence the recruiting process. I have not yet spoken to my friend about it because doing so would certainly result in the latter outcome.

They work in quite a small office. There is a strong chance that, were I to manage to get to the interview stage anonymously, my friend would see me when I arrived. But I also know he’s out of the office a lot.

How should I proceed? I am happy to consider that “not proceeding” may be the best course of action here, especially given that I may well not get the job.

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I’ve worked in Software Development teams my entire career and I’ve come to realize the spectrum of skill-sets is utterly staggering. Over the years I’ve managed to adapt my in-office behavior to handle utterly incompetent and lazy people. The way I ...Daha fazla oku

I’ve worked in Software Development teams my entire career and I’ve come to realize the spectrum of skill-sets is utterly staggering. Over the years I’ve managed to adapt my in-office behavior to handle utterly incompetent and lazy people.

The way I handle it is to simply cap my anger and frustration, but I find myself going home and venting my anger in the form of complaining to my family and friends, but this is not healthy to me nor my family/friends.

How do I handle personal stress caused by utterly incompetent and lazy co-workers?

Optional info below:

In my younger years, I naively believed incompetent/lazy people didn’t cut it in the software industry for long. I disappointingly found that preferential treatment, nepotism, and just plain self-interest on the part of managers seem to undermine this natural filtering of idiots from the software engineering industry. Thus, it seems I must learn to deal with them.

I have endless patience for people who are junior and ask numerous questions, but I don’t seem to know how to handle stress caused by the utterly incompetent and lazy people that don’t apply themselves.

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I am trying to find/change my career trajectory. Its a good cozy job, but I want something that I get excited to work on in the morning. Career change is hard, for a lot of reasons. So I cant just ...Daha fazla oku

I am trying to find/change my career trajectory. Its a good cozy job, but I want something that I get excited to work on in the morning. Career change is hard, for a lot of reasons. So I cant just try out a lot of different careers, and need to be more methodical in finding out the ideal fit.

have a general idea of the direction I want to go in. However, I think a lot of my decisions have been made under peer pressure or expectations of other people. I am looking for somebody who can provide me an objective assessment of my strengths and weaknesses, and to move towards a career which relies more on my strengths and innate (unconscious) drivers. There are millions of coaches online.. and it seems everybody these days wants to become a coach. So I am wondering how to find a reliable coach who will get you to where you want to get to?

What do you look for when searching for a career coach and how do you determine whether it’s beneficial?

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Just this week I started working for a new company. I’ve been developing code and going through the database the past couple of days on my machine. Everything is working fine, I set up a new account and it’s hooked ...Daha fazla oku

Just this week I started working for a new company. I’ve been developing code and going through the database the past couple of days on my machine. Everything is working fine, I set up a new account and it’s hooked into the domain and everything.

Today, the Director IT gave me a “work” computer. It’s running Windows XP with 3 GB of ram, and has a 11 inch screen. He also mentioned I could possibly use a remote desktop for development.

This would make it incredibly difficult for me.

I have a 2012 Retina Display Macbook Pro, running Windows 7, with 8GB RAM, Core i7, etc. I am much more comfortable with it, and it has the power I need to get the job done and run the multiple programs with no lag.

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Starting with javascript is important, it shows you the basics of object oriented programming and how a DOM can interact with HTML to edit the frontend. This principle is necessary in Django, however by using python, there is a large ...Daha fazla oku

Starting with javascript is important, it shows you the basics of object oriented programming and how a DOM can interact with HTML to edit the frontend. This principle is necessary in Django, however by using python, there is a large amount of key principles left out. Learning how types operate and why data locations should be managed by the programmer is an essential skill, but easily managed by python, for this reason, I would start with Javascript to understand how to change the front end, and then “migrate” these skills into Django only once you have learned the key OOP principles

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If you asked this question in 2011, the reply would have been: “probably yes, but only because of the massively huge code base developed in 15 years”. In 2017, we have to reply: “There has been a disruptive factor called PHP ...Daha fazla oku

If you asked this question in 2011, the reply would have been: “probably yes, but only because of the massively huge code base developed in 15 years”.

In 2017, we have to reply: “There has been a disruptive factor called PHP 7. It changed a lot in the backend development perspective”.

PHP 5.5+ had been a big step up already. From the ancient, C flavoured spaghetti code, to a proper rich and modern language.
PHP 7 is not “just” monstruosly fast (it’s been reenginered from scratch), it also takes a LOT of the “good stuff” from Java and other good languages and makes it extremely easy to create proper code.
Code fast, code fast code (!) and have nothing special to install. No stale compiled files, no need for complicated sources building software, no need for a compiler at all.

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I am thinking of pursuing web developing as a career & was just wondering. I’ve heard that that location is a big factor when it comes to salary of web developers. Kindly state: 1) Country 2) Salary Monthly/Yearly 3) Years ...Daha fazla oku

I am thinking of pursuing web developing as a career & was just wondering. I’ve heard that that location is a big factor when it comes to salary of web developers.
Kindly state:
1) Country
2) Salary Monthly/Yearly
3) Years of experience.
P.s) You can choose to remain anonymous if you want to.

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Hi, I am an Indian student looking to pursue Masters from the University of Melbourne. I wanted to know the situation I will be in after I complete my Masters. Will I get decent job offers from companies in Australia ...Daha fazla oku

Hi, I am an Indian student looking to pursue Masters from the University of Melbourne. I wanted to know the situation I will be in after I complete my Masters. Will I get decent job offers from companies in Australia or other International companies?

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